Retrieving highest Value from scripts used in my GameObject array.[CLOSED]

I have a array of gameObjects, and i want to see witch one has traveled the furthest, so i can attack them first. how do this? I already have a script that is keeping track of distance traveled.

this is ware i am, i feel that i am completely lost in how to do this properly.

    void ShootFirst(){
        foreach( GameObject obj in allTargets){
            int arrayNumber;
            allTargetDistanceMoved[arrayNumber] = allTargets[arrayNumber].GetComponent<Minion>().distenceTraveled;
            arrayNumber ++;


This is the entire class, if your wondering.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Tower : MonoBehaviour {
    //Tower Settings
    public int towerRange;
    public int attSpeed;
    public int damage;
    //player settings
    public bool shootFirst;
    public bool shootStrongest;
    public bool dontShoot;

    //Tower tools/objects
    public Sprite projectile;

    //Tower Variables
    public GameObject currentTarget;
    public GameObject[] allTargets;
    public float[] allTargetDistanceMoved;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
        if(dontShoot == true)
        if(shootFirst == true){
        if (shootStrongest == true)

    void ShootFirst(){
        foreach( GameObject obj in allTargets){
            int arrayNumber;
            allTargetDistanceMoved[arrayNumber] = allTargets[arrayNumber].GetComponent<Minion>().distenceTraveled;
            arrayNumber ++;


    void ShootStrongest(){

    void GetTargets(){
        allTargets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");

may i suggest using Linq for such operations?

using System.Linq; //this namespace helps alot with such operations

//lets say this is your script that keeps track of the distances travelled for each Enemy
class DistanceScript : MonoBehaviour { public int distance; }

//this shall be the array in which your contacts with the "distance script" are
public GameObject[] m_GameObjects

//then this method returns the enemy which travelled the most
public GameObject GetNearestTarget()
  return m_GameObjects.Aggregate((o1, o2) => o1.GetComponent<DistanceScript>().distance > o2.GetComponent<DistanceScript>().distance ? o1 : o2);

oh my, i have never used that before, looks like i have something to research.

You don’t have to use LINQ.

float dist = 0;
GameObject target = null;
for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++)
    float travelDistance = GetDistance(); // however you're tracking distance
    if (travelDistance > dist)
        dist = travelDistance;
        target = targets[i];
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that worked, this is the code i made after you gave me the tip.

    void ShootFirst(){
        float dist = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < allTargets.Length; i++){
            float travalDistance = allTargets[i].GetComponent<Minion>().distenceTraveled;
            if(travalDistance > dist){
                dist = travalDistance;
                currentTarget = allTargets[i];
