Retrograde Shader - Custom Lit, Retro PC / Anime Shader Graph

Unity 6000.0.25f1
Right, how could I have forgotten to add that…

Just to clarify, by dither and screen dither I meant the distance fade effect, which doesn’t seem to work for me in HDRP from Unity 6.
Would be nice if you checked the compatibility of the whole Lit Retrograde shader in HDRP Unity 6 alongside the update you were doing for URP Unity 6.
The shader is proving very useful to me even without the custom lighting, just missing those non-lighting related features which you say work in HDRP 2021.

Hi there. I’m testing in a new HDRP Unity 6 project. The dither and screen dither seem to be working, but I just noticed that the Mip Distance and Mip Bias properties are not. Is this what you mean? I was reorganizing the graphs last update and forgot to connect the right properties.

In the main RetrogradeLit graph, there are two small groups called Mip Distance. The TurboDistanceFade node within those groups should be using Mip Distance and Mip Bias as inputs, not Dither Distance and Dither Bias. This will definitely be fixed next update.

Okay. Looking forward to it.

And btw, I also wanted to report this HDRP shadergraph GitHub - zacharypetersen1/FlexibleCelShader-SRP: Unity package providing cel shader compatible with Scriptable Render Pipelines does have light attenuation, light intensity, light direction, directional light, point and spot support.
Just check the “Hdrp_FcsCelLighting.hlsl” from Github itself:
FlexibleCelShader-SRP/Hdrp/Shaders/Hdrp_FcsCelLighting.hlsl at main · zacharypetersen1/FlexibleCelShader-SRP · GitHub

Okay, great. Thanks. I’ll take a look and see if it works.

In the meantime, I want to work on adding Forward+ to the URP version.


Out of town for the holidays. Didn’t have time to document everything before I left. Apologies for the delay. The new update is looking good though. Updated the lit graph to work with HDRP, updated the custom URP lighting so shadows look softer and less aliased from a distance, and added a “Vertex Color GI” feature so vertex colors can be used as static lighting that blends with dynamic light.

Also started working on a separate particle shader that is looking pretty cool and will utilize the same custom lighting. Hoping to release that in 2025 pending Unity’s review process.

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Out of curiousity since you are actively supporting your shaderpack, do you have a rough roadmap of what you want to add to it? Am curious what other future features you have planned if you are willing to share them.

Hi Buffles-TE. Happy new year to everyone. Great question. Just got back from the holidays, so this next update (1.1.2) should be ready sometime next week.

At the moment, the plan for 1.1.3 is to support Forward+, in addition to any minor changes I make to improve the existing functionality. I know you requested that a while back, so I wanted to figure that out.

Beyond that, the general idea is to improve functionality and performance without too much bloat. This includes transparent refraction, palettized transparency, flip book support for glow maps, strobing glow effects, and palette cycling.

I thought I could implement baked and dynamic vertex lighting using a custom interpolator, but it turns out it is quite limited. However, baked vertex lighting is easy to do in Blender or Bakery I believe.

As for custom lighting support in HDRP, that may be beyond my capability and is somewhat low priority until Unity officially supports it. I need time between updates to work on marketing material, otherwise it doesn’t get seen by people.

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Retrograde Shader 1.1.2 released!

Not the biggest update, but I fixed the issues with the RetrogradeLit shader and added vertex color GI, which is much lighter in weight than lightmaps and bakes quickly in Blender. Can also be hand-painted.

Apologies for the delay. I ended up getting sick, which pushed back the release. I want to try and get these updates out sooner.

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The distance fade in Unity 6 HDRP RetrogradeLit still doesn’t seem to be working properly :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Which property in particular is not working? I’m testing in Unity 6 HDRP and everything seems to be connected properly. It’s possible your materials are still using the previous version of the RetrogradeLit shader. You might need to reselect the RetrogradeLit shader in your materials after importing the update. I had to replace the shader from an HDRP project, so I think it has a different GUID.

Does it have a new “HDRP Mode” property in the Glow category of the RetrogradeLit shader?

Yes, the HDRP Mode is there in the glow tab.

In HDRP, I try imitating the material settings of the character robot from the URP demo scene which has distance fade, and it doesn’t do anything.

In fact, I just went to the demo scene in HDRP, selected the model “George Color” and changed its shader to RetrogradeLit, and then tried to close in the camera for the distance fade effect to kick in, and it does nothing.

Okay, I think I see what the issue is. You’re talking about screen dithered Alpha Distance fade? At the top of the material, under Surface Options, there should be a checkbox called Alpha Clipping. It’s not visible because it’s not enabled in the Graph Settings of the RetrogradeLit shader. To enable, open the RetrogradeLit shader, go to Graph Settings, under HDRP, enable Alpha Clipping under Surface Options.

I’ll upload a quick patch for that soon.

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It works.
Like magic :star_struck:

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Uploaded a patch that restores alpha clipping to the RetrogradeLit shader.

Here’s some pictures of the vertex color GI:

Retrograde Shader 1.1.3 is nearing completion. Should be ready sometime next week. Was able to get Forward+ working! There are a few shader errors that could be Unity bugs, but everything still works. They will be addressed in future updates. Reflection probes weren’t working with Forward+, so I had to make a custom function for it. It is giving me an error that I haven’t figured out yet, but it does support reflection probe blending and box projection.

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