I’ve got a c++ plugin which calculates a vertex array, and I need to assign it to a mesh in c#. I’m wondering how I might be able to transfer my calculated vertex buffer back into c# managed code.
Do I need to deal with Marshalling, or put c# into unsafe mode? I’m not really following the examples I’ve seen so far.
you have to create a struct in c++ like this in your cpp.h’s extern “C” { } :
typedef struct _VECTOR3
float x;
float y;
float z;
Than you can create a method in c++ that accepts an Array of VECTOR3 and can change it.
CPPDLL_API int CreateMesh(VECTOR3* pArray, int size);
CPPDLL_API int CreateMesh(VECTOR3* pArray, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
pArray*.x += 100;*