Reuseable Method Of Calling Functions In Other Scripts?

Hopefully my code explains what I’m trying to do. Yet if I can’t substitute in strings for the function name…what is my alternative?

#pragma strict

var objWithScript : GameObject;
var scriptName : String = "Script";
var functionName : String = "Do This";

function Start () {


function Update () {


function OnClick ()

Use SendMessage.

Use a dictionary. Since your method does not take any parameter and doe snot return anything I guess it should go as such (not sure in Js…):

var myDictionary = new Dictionary.<string,Action>();
myDictionary["FunctionName"] = FunctionName;

then you call it:


What you wish is called “Reflection” in programming. Use MonoBehaviour.Invoke() with scriptName as Type instead of String (remove also the quotation marks).

(objWithScript.GetComponent(scriptName) as MonoBehaviour).Invoke(functionName,0.01);