Reusing prefabs on tutorials


What’s the license attached to the prefabs and models from the Unity tutorials? I’m writing a few tutorials where I’d like to reuse them, partly because my modeling skills are nonexistent and partly for code comparison reasons, but I’d rather ask first before publishing anything.


Tutorials, example projects and other resources from our website should all have a read me file with them (if not then please ping me and let me know which one(s) you’ve found without a read me) that explains this. The answer is that you’re free to use those materials (models, scripts, whatever) as you like in commercial or non-commercial content so long as that content is authored in Unity.

Hi Higgy, thanks for the reply. I couldn’t find any readme or license files on the “3D Platformer Tutorial”.

Hmph, that particular one was supposed to have been fixed already, I’ll double-check and make sure we’re including a read me file and if not post an update.