-2 months to create a playable demo.
-An additional 3 months to create a sellable version for Steam.
-Possibly another 5 months for content expansion after sales begin.
-25% rev share, non negotiable.
-If we work well together I can offer aid on smaller scope projects as a pixel artist (will need to be discussed first).
-Aside from programming I will need you to help me flesh out the combat system, particularly balancing and progression.
-Once the game is for sale, you may need to assist with global customer service (not individually), such as explaining bugs to average players and providing updates on fixes on public posts.
-I'm a skilled pixel artist, decent at 2D drawing, and a pretty good writer.
-My first Nsfw project, despite many errors due to lack of experience 4 years ago, sits on the top 5 highest rated games of it's category on F95 zone.
MECHANICS IN THE GAME (NOTE: I’m open to modify/talk over/simplify/add to the mechanics of the game):
-The playable character automatically moves side-scroller style from right to left through different zones filled with monsters that drop materials.
-Upon colliding with an enemy, combat begins, factoring in various stats for both the player and enemy.
-After clearing an area, the player levels up automatically, eliminating the need to assign experience to individual enemies.
-The player can choose to leave the area or continue; in case of losing player loses all materials, but it’s not a game over.
-Players can bring potions and equip gear found along the way (won't affect looks of the sprites).
-Upon exiting and returning, levels are reset, but after every 5 areas, players can save their state and skip to that point in future runs.
-Depending on the Luck stat, the player may encounter paths divided allowing them to choose which one they want to take.
-Players level up once per area cleared.
-After leveling up, they can choose which stats to improve, including:
HP Regen
Crit Chance
-However, they only get 3 stat options to choose from, with the possibility to reroll for a new set of options at a cost.
-Once the player returns "home," their levels are reset, but save points are available every 5 areas, allowing players to save their current "build" for future runs.
-Player manages a potion shop, which can be upgraded (to be decided if by sections or as a whole, preferably the former). Shop opens and items crafted using materials collected. There’d be a system of “corruption” where specific the customers… well, I better leave those details for later. Upgrading the shop leads to better economy, unlockable characters and other characteristics. Unlike combat, the movement is semi-top down, and player can move freely while the shop is open. Customers will come and go during this stage of the game.
-A kingdom is just getting used to the end of a long war that lasted a whole generation. Axel Draen, the protagonist, is an experienced martial fighter ex-soldier. Looking for new ways to earn bread, he becomes an adventurer. Not being the type to rely on others and confident on his skills to handle combat alone, he takes up his first quest by himself despite being unadvised. His first quest turns out more challenging than expected, facing a demoness who seems to be roughly matched during their combat. Anyone could come out on top, but he is human, he’ll tire out faster more likely. Instead of taking his chances, he uses a forbidden spell, which links their souls permanently. In other words, if she dies, he dies, same way around. Not only that, their souls influence each other. For Axel, this means some slight corruption, and an increase in libido, almost like a hunger. This shared libido, unchecked, not only becomes stronger, it could potentially enrage and empower the demoness, making her go berserk, which will cause her wildness overpower his willpower, which is what keep him “in charge” of their relationship. Instead of waiting for the hunger to become unmanageable and lead her or him to commit crime, he opens a potion shop, which will introduce to them all sorts of characters who, partially due to the influence of the demoness magic, and partially due to the developing relationship between the player and the character, will assist to keep the hunger in check. WARNING: Some of the characters will be effeminate men, dressed as such, and it’ll lead to homosexual interactions. HOWEVER, this is 100% avoidable. The player just needs one character to “mingle with”, could be one guy, one girl, or the entire cast, it matters not.
CONTACT: You can add me on Discord, username is “txxus” or you can reach me out here.