Reveal next letter on Input.anyKeyDown

Hey all,

I’m very new to code so please forgive my noobish ways. I’m trying to write a simple code that reveals the next letter in a paragraph of text with Input.anyKeyDown. Basically I want it to show one letter at a time no matter the key you press.

While searching for an answer I came across an AutoType script. With many failed attempts to edit it for my needs I decided to come here to ask for help.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class TextAuto : MonoBehaviour 

		public float letterPause = 0.05f; //NOT NEEDED
		public GUIStyle font;
		string message;
		string text;
	void Start (){

			message = "Welcome new warrior! This is a blue screen, you must fight your way out! " +
				"Without any hands or other parts. This may take some time...";
			text = "";
	IEnumerator TypeText (){
			foreach (char letter in message.ToCharArray()) 
				text += letter;
				yield return 0;
				yield return new WaitForSeconds (letterPause);
	void OnGUI(){
			GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 256, 1024), text, font);    
	void Update(){
		if(Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Return)){
				text = message;



I see no need for a coroutine; it looks like you are trying to use the coroutine to time the new characters output, rather than base it on a keypress, as you said was desired.

I would try something like this (I have not complied the below, so it may have typos):

int counter;

void Start (){
             message = "Welcome new warrior! This is a blue screen, you must fight your way out! " +
                 "Without any hands or other parts. This may take some time...";
             text = "";


      text += message[counter++];