Revenue from Ads

Thinking about using ads as income for some new projects. Curious to hear from others about what kind of revenue people are making. I’ve heard that some get about $0.01 a click with AdMob. If that is expected norm then maybe i won’t bother with Ads. Any insight from devs using ads in products appreciated.

Interestingly, despite some crappy looking ads, we’ve been paid by admob. Moblix has like a 60 day account.

If you want to make $50 a day with either, you need about 8000+ per day downloads, vaguely speaking.

I mean, its quite doable, but if you don’t chart on release, or you’re unable to force an app to chart through other app advertising, its a very hard road to make.

Of course, 10 x $50 is worthwhile :stuck_out_tongue: So, get building apps :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the info. 8000/day is pretty high. To be getting those kind of figures the app would need to be in the top 100 consistently which is not easy with so many new apps everyday.

If you’re selling 8,000 a day you probably don’t need the ads. :wink:

8,000 downloads a day for free apps gets you precisely $0 in income, without ads.


Yes, this is obviously for free ad supported apps :slight_smile:

“Selling,” Eric, “Selling.” Free apps aren’t sold, they’re given away. The minimum you’d be making if you were SELLING 8,000/day is $11,428.57 a day.

That’s nice, except nobody is talking about selling apps. This is about ad revenue…you don’t put ads in paid apps. (Unless you’re evil.)

That’s either very strange math or not US$, because what you’d make for 8,000 sales/day * $.99 (the minimum in US) is $5,544/day.


We often have one or two apps sitting in the top 100, at our peak (last week I think) we had 7 apps, 5 paid, 2 free.

That being said, we’ve found in-app purchasing to be far more profitable than advertising. The key is to have something to sell :slight_smile:

Haha damn, math typo. I missed the ‘*’ and hit the ‘/’ by accident. :stuck_out_tongue: I need to stop posting past my bedtime…

That’s an important point to make from someone that has first hand knowledge. Thanks for sharing.

I think my next apps will all be freemium. Did you write the in app purchase yourself or did you use one of the third party solutions?

I used the enhancement pack :slight_smile: Stinkbot was very helpful.

Early February I had a non-unity app get all the way to #4 at which point it was doing about 80,000 daily downloads, 1 million daily ad requests with a 3.25% ctr totaling about $1500 a day. It’s since fallen out of the top 100 (quick rise, quick fall!) but still does about 200,000 ad requests with a 3.28% ctr, totalling about $200/day.

I’m skeptical on freemium until I see solid numbers or experience its value first hand. It’s an interesting model but I just dont know if users like it because I know I personally feel like I’m getting nickel and dimed.

Both methods require the same thing, downloads.

If you’re advertising, you need lots of people. If you have in-app purchasing, you need a decent conversion rate. In either case, more = better.

Absolutely. I’m curious what conversion rates for in-app purchases are if anyone has numbers on those and would like to share.

Well, I can’t go giving out figures like that.

But I can say we get more in-app purchases than we do banner clicks :slight_smile:

Boy, I wish had said that about 3 hours ago. I was interviewed by a national radio show and in my excitement gave out unit sales and dollar amounts for my latest apps. That’s going to come back and bite me. DOH!

Hi junkotron …was that with AdMob or another firm?

It was with Admob. I’m pretty happy with them mostly because they’re very timely with their payments and I have it directly transferring to a paypal account with no transfer fees. I know a lot of people have complained about their fill rates but it seems to stay pretty high for me.

@Junkotron, what is your game? do you have a link, I’d like to download it?