Reversed-Z Shadow Artifacts (Except in VR?)

Our game Volo Airsport has large draw distances, so we’re delighted with the introduction of reversed-z. We’re having trouble getting it to work though.

In the above video you can see a regular Unity camera presenting shadow z-fighting artifacts, and then a SteamVR camera with exactly the same settings. Near clip is 0.05, far is 18000. The only changes is me booting the scene with OpenVR as primary in project settings, instead of None.

Very consistently, the SteamVr cam behaves as expected, but the regular cam appears to not benefit from reversed-z at all.

In all cases SystemInfo.useReverseZ reports true. Perhaps SteamVR forces a 32-bit depth buffer and non-vr defaults to 24-bit, or something?

I’m having serious trouble figuring out what’s causing this discrepancy. Any ideas?

the detailed info about the z shadow can be found here. you can read the info from the given link.

,the complete detailed about the z shadow can be found here in this article. 1