Reversing an animation to close a Chest.

Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you could help me out. I would like to reverse my opening chest animation for when my chest closes again. How could i accomplish that ?

This is the code i use now.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ClickMe : MonoBehaviour {

private bool doorOpen = false;
private float animationFinished = 0;

public void OnMouseUp()
	Debug.Log ("Ive been clicked");
	if(Time.time > animationFinished)
		animationFinished = Time.time + 1;
		doorOpen = !doorOpen;


Animation animation = GetComponent();
animation[clipName].normalizeTime = 1f;
animation[clipName].speed = -1f;

Completed Script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ClickMe : MonoBehaviour {
	private bool IsOpen = false;
	public float distanceToActivate = 15;
	private float animationFinished = 0;
	public GameObject ChestPrefab;
	Animation ChestAnim1;
	GameObject player;
	float distance;

	public void Awake(){
		player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

	void Update(){
		distance = Vector3.Distance (this.transform.position, player.transform.position);

	public void OnMouseUp()

	  if (distance <= distanceToActivate) {
			if (Time.time > animationFinished) {
				if (IsOpen) { 
					Debug.Log ("Closing Chest");
					ChestAnim1 = ChestPrefab.GetComponent<Animation> ();
					ChestAnim1 ["ChestAnim"].normalizedTime = 1f;
					ChestAnim1 ["ChestAnim"].speed = -1f;
					ChestAnim1.Play ("ChestAnim");
				} else {
					Debug.Log ("Opening Chest");
					GetComponent<Animation> ().Play ("ChestAnim");
				animationFinished = Time.time + 1;
				IsOpen = !IsOpen;
		} else {
			Debug.Log ("Player Too Far");