I am having trouble with transfering drawings from Revit to 3d max to unitity. The drawing is imported into 3d max from Revit. (Materials seem fine) I then export to a fbx file. The fbx is then imported into unity - There are no matials ?? Under project a materials sundirectory is created with a "no name’ object/material. In the Hierachy I can see these materials noted but they have no material or texture added. I am unsure if the problem is with the import in unity of the export in 3d max or even the material files in 3d max ?? (note - using 2013 versions)
I think upon exporting from 3DS Max theres an option in the dialog box before you hit export called ‘embed media’ which enables the textures to export to an external application as a .fbm folder.
In addition it could have something to do with the computer/network your working on:
“In previous versions of the 3ds Max FBX plug-in, when you saved an FBX file with the Embed Media option activated, the embedded files were extracted to a folder in the same location as the FBX file. If you did not have write permission for the folder, then the media files were not extracted. You can experience this lack of write permission when you work over a network”
If the fbm folder is in unity, it should be inside an asset folder with the model (search .fbm in the search bar). The textures in some instances need to be re applied to the model within Unity and can be extremely tedious if all the meshes are ungrouped from your 3D application.
Id also like to add that Revit produces alot of polygons even for simple models that arent even seen when you run the game and you could improve quite a bit of the performance if you do some optimization of meshes in Max.
Hope this has helped.