Hi there everyone, I just finished my 2D game for android and I want to add a RevMob Banner Ad the whole time, in a specific scene only.
At this point I have imported the RevMob SDK, copied the android SDK to my game folder, edited AndroidManifest, edited proguard txt.
I think I’m missing something whith my code and not calling the banner ads the right way.
import System.Collections.Generic;
private var APP_IDS = new Dictionary.<String, String>();
private var revmob : RevMob;
function Awake() {
APP_IDS["Android"] = "53d449de47ee20b00633ed50";
revmob = RevMob.Start(APP_IDS, this.gameObject.name);
function Start () {
banner = revmob.CreateBanner(RevMob.Position.TOP, 0, 0, 350, 50);
With this code that I got from RevMob Im getting unity:red:notice = unknown ientifier: ‘banner’.
Any suggestions or ideas how to make this work?
notes = “” I did check the forums & answers % youtube videos for a solution “”