RewardedAd is not working :(

Error loading Ad Unit SpaceX: INVALID_ARGUMENT - Placement SpaceX does not exist for gameId: 4938705 UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object) Rewarded:OnUnityAdsFailedToLoad (string,UnityEngine.Advertisements.UnityAdsLoadError,string) (at Assets/Rewarded.cs:79) UnityEngine.Advertisements.Utilities.CoroutineExecutor:Update () (at Library/PackageCache/

Check your placement in the dashboard to match the one written in the script
Also I recommend to downgrade the SDK to 4.2.1 because I had problems with 4.3.0 too

Updating the Unity Ads version to 3.7.5 did not help, I created the ad blocks and everything should be correct…


Hi @PlayBackMobileRussian looking at your dashboard I can see that you have configured your project to be using Unity Mediation. However, the logs you have shared are from the Unity Ads SDK.
If you aren’t intending to use Unity Mediation you will need to update your ‘Mediation Partner’ setting in your project’s settings on the Unity Dashboard to reflect this.

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Thank you, problem solved :slight_smile: