Rewired - Advanced Input for Unity

After you buy it is even better since you see all of the benefits in time saved in your own projects. It great to have in a single tool (Rewired) with full input support for all Unity platforms and with enhanced input support for Windows and OS/X.

I am interested in your feedback after you start using it


Is this the first time you have heard about Rewired or did you see it mentioned somewhere else on the Unity forums?

Just curious what controllers are you working with?

I’m only regularly test with my wired 360 controller and the usual Keyboard + Mouse, but I needed support (or at least mapping support so I could do it myself) for all of the popular controllers (PS3, PS4, third-party Logitech, etc) and thus far Rewired has handled them all extremely well.

Would this allow for changing of inputs and control in game?

Definitely, but it will require some work on your part as Rewired doesn’t come with a drop-in, one-size-fits-all remapping screen. Instead, Rewired comes with an example user mapping demo designed to show how to implement a complex user mapping screen from the API. It’s meant to teach you how to perform the various tasks so you can incorporate it into your own GUI using the GUI system you’re familiar with. The demo includes the following features:

  • Creating a list of players.
  • Creating a list of controllers to assign to a player.
  • Assigning the mouse.
  • Calibrating a controller.
  • Creating lists of Actions categorized by Action Categories
  • Designating some categories as not-user-assignable so they are locked (for things like System type actions)
  • Assigning buttons and axes via polling for the next input on a per-controller basis.
  • Conflict checking for assignment conflict warnings using Action category selective conflict checking.
  • Saving and loading Controller Map XML files after making changes so your users’ data stays on the next play.
  • Saving and loading axis calibrations and Input Behaviors.
  • Detecting and identifying joysticks on platforms that fall back to Unity input as the input source (Webplayers, Linux, Android, etc.)

From the docs on Creating a Controller Mapping Screen:

I have plans to release an update once 4.6 is out of beta which will include several user mapping screen demos using the new GUI in 4.6. These demos will be more suitable as drop-in screens because I plan to make a number of them based on the possible needs of different styles of games. For example, one screen may be designed for a single player game without action categories, so it will omit all the code dealing with multiple players and multiple categories.

I hope this information helps.

Hi everyone,

If you have bought Rewired and found it useful, please take a little time to post a review on the Unity Asset Store page and let your fellow developers know what you think. Thanks!

That is nice to see someone is using all of the Controllers with Rewired.

Just bought Rewired last week, and I’m loving it so far, really great work!

I hope it’s not too daft a question, but is there an easy way of using Rewired with the 4.6 GUI? Only I can’t seem to figure out how to get the EventSystem to receive input from it, so can’t navigate or press buttons, etc.

If perhaps the EventSystem isn’t compatible, I can just create a script to use the inputs from the System player to trigger the navigational commands, which I think should work. But yeah, just wanted to see if there was an easier/quicker method of doing it first. Cheers for any help.

Thanks! I’m really glad you like it!

By default, Unity 4.6’s GUI system uses the Unity Input Manager for its input. However, you can certainly get it to work with Rewired. I don’t have an official solution for it yet as it’s still in beta, but another user modified the StandaloneInputModule source from here to work with Rewired’s Player 0. You should be able to easily modify the attached file to use the System player instead if that’s how you want it to work. I’ve attached the CS file here. You would disable the StandaloneInputModule and attach this instead. Let me know how it works for you.

Edit: RewiredStandaloneInputModule updated for Unity 4.6.1

1888932–121537– (3.58 KB)

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That’s fantastic, thanks so much! Just plugged in that script and it works perfectly!

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Rewired has finally made it up on the asset store!

Additions since (the last version available on the asset store)

The current version is available now for registered users on the Rewired website. Contact me with your email address to register if you haven’t already.

The next update, is almost ready to roll out and will include Raw Input support for joysticks as well as Raw Input handling for mouse input in Windows Standalone which will add framerate independent update for the mouse as well as joysticks.

Thanks for all of these updates.

I have recently begun to revisit an older protoype to clean up the code and add some functionality after I finally came up with a theme that goes well with the mechanics already in place, so this is the perfect opportunity to add Rewired and set up touch/swipe controls for a potential mobile release. I will keep you posted about my experiences. :slight_smile:

Hello, I was wondering if this plugin gives you access to several mice independently ?
I need to get mouse movement (X and Y) from more than one mouse at the time on the same computer…


Not at present. I just finished up Raw Input integration, and one of the motivations for doing that was for future muti-mouse and multi-keyboard support. This feature will likely be included in a future version of Rewired, but I cannot say when that will be at this time.

Hello, thank you for your response.
Not even with DirectInput ? I’m building a game that needs several mice, and so far, i’m obligated to use glovepie as an intermediary… I’d love to be able to do everything inside unity…

No, sorry, it doesn’t. Direct Input doesn’t allow support for multiple distinct mice or keyboards. It can be done with Raw Input but the changes will take a significant amount of time and require many changes to the editor system and the API. I do plan to do this eventually (for even better support for things like the X-Arcade Tankstick), but I’m unable to spend the resources on adding this feature at present.

Ok, thank you.
Otherwise, it seems like a great tool, I will keep an eye on it and remember to use it on future projects :slight_smile:

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so whats the differenct really between this plugin and inControl? i was set on it until i seen rewired now im not sure which to pick up