There is no such concept in Rewired as removing a Player, nor can you create a new Player from a script at runtime. All data in the Rewired Input Manager is static and can only be edited at development time, not runtime. Any data in runtime instances of objects (Players, Controller Maps, etc.) can be edited at runtime, but new Players cannot be created, nor can they be deleted. You need to create the maximum number of Players you will ever need, then use only those that are needed at runtime for input by managing which Players are assigned Controllers.
If you want to implement some kind of system where you only consider certain players that are currently playing, you have to implement that yourself. The Player.isPlaying property was provided for this purpose and is for developer use. Changing this value to false will not cause a Player’s input to no longer work. The only built-in functionality this flag changes is Joystick Auto-Assignment, and only if Assign to Playing Players Only is enabled. The primary purpose of this flag is for developer use so you can perform other custom functionality depending on whether or not a Player is playing.
The concept of a “playing Player” has a number of implications, including potentially on controller assignment, depending on how you choose to handle that. If you are using the Joystick Auto-Assignment system, it can be set to only assign Joysticks to currently playing Players.
As for keyboards, I do not know what you mean by “Keyboard players doesn’t connecting to the game”. You will have to provide more information about how you are handling these Players with regard to connection.
The Keyboard in Rewired is intended to be a shared Controller. Like Joysticks, only Players which have the Controller assigned to them will produce any input from keyboard input. There is no such thing as a Keyboard Auto-Assignment system in Rewired, therefore, you have to manage keyboard assignment to Players manually based on the needs of your game. Keyboard assignment can be configured per-Player in the Rewired Input Manager for assigning controllers on start, and it can be assigned to Players through scripting by settings player.controllers.hasKeyboard. In addition, like all controllers, the Player must also have Controller Maps for the Keyboard loaded that bind Actions to keyboard keys in order for keyboard input to work.
If your question is just asking “why doesn’t keyboard input work”, none of the pictures you posted show Keyboard Maps, whether those Keyboard Maps have been assigned to Players, or whether or not the Keyboard itself has been assigned to Players. See Troubleshooting - Keyboard doesn’t work.