You could send the whole project in a PM, but I’ll see what I can find out from this.
Is Unity running on Windows?
You could send the whole project in a PM, but I’ll see what I can find out from this.
Is Unity running on Windows?
Perhaps, but I doubt it, unless they changed something in the new input system that is breaking Rewired again.
Rewired is available on the Unity Asset Store.
Thank you @EpicMcDude for helping me squash this extremely rare but long-lived bug.
Bug Fixes:
- Windows Standalone, Raw Input: Fixed possible missed mouse events when using mouse and keyboard together with Unity Input System backend enabled.
Hello @guavaman sir,
Can you help me with the top-down engine integration, i do see that you support corgi engine and there is an unofficial integration exist but its aim axis not working when we use gamepad.
Thank you
Sorry, but I do not provide support for other people’s projects. I don’t own Top Down Engine or know how it works. Please contact the creator of the integration.
The reason I stopped making integrations was it was an enormous maintenance burden as I keep having to figure out ways to make my integrations continue working for different versions of the asset as it gets changed and updated over time. Not to mention the fact I usually have to buy the asset in order to make an integration. I won’t be adding any new integrations in the future.
I am profiling my game to trim down as much lag as I can, and noticed Rewired is doing a FixedUpdate and quite a lengthy Physics.Simulate() to go along with that:
This is on top of the regular InputManager_BaseUpdate which is already kinda hefty, but I’m more concerned about cutting the physics/fixed part out. I don’t use FixedUpdate at all in my entire game, and I also have the box unchecked in Rewired settings:
For reference, my game is 2D and doesn’t call Physics.Simulate() anywhere (which is the 3D version anyway so makes no sense for me to see that at all) so I think it must be happening from Rewired.
Any ideas on how to make the FixedUpdate & Physics.Simulate stop happening? Thanks. I’m on Rewired version , Unity version 2022.3.35f1.
EDIT: Whoops I did find a 3D Box Collider active, disabling it got rid of the Simulate but the FixedUpdate is still occurring, if you have any tips on how to remove that I’d be appreciative.
Rewired always get a FixedUpdate call regardless of whether or not it is doing any actual work in FixedUpdate. You cannot turn off FixedUpdate when the MonoBehaviour (the Rewired Input Manager component) has a FixedUpdate function. Unity is going to call it regardless and it can’t be removed. (The only way to do something like this would be to have an extra component that gets added at runtime to get the FixedUpdate callback.) Even so, Rewired does do very minimal processing in FixedUpdate. Why? Because FixedUpdate runs before Update on the frames it runs at all, and Rewired does some stuff on the first of either FixedUpdate or Update in any Unity main thread frame. This is actually an optimization so it doesn’t do silly things like check Unity variables (or input values if using UnityEngine.Input) more than once per main thread frame.
See this for optimization tips:
Ok good to know, thanks. Sorry about the mixup! Didn’t notice that stupid Box Collider lol.