Rewriting script from JavaScript to C#

Need help. I try to rewrite script from JavaScript to C#. I run my project but crosshair does not shows.
There is the JavaScript:

@script ExecuteInEditMode()
var crosshairPreset : preset = preset.none;
var showCrosshair : boolean = true;
var verticalTexture : Texture;
var horizontalTexture : Texture;
//Size of boxes
var cLength : float = 10;
var cWidth : float = 3;
//Spreed setup
var minSpread : float = 45.0;
var maxSpread : float = 250.0;
var spreadPerSecond : float = 150.0;

private var temp : Texture;
private var spread : float;
function Update(){
        //Used just for test (weapon script should change spread).
        if(Input.GetButton("Fire1")) spread += spreadPerSecond * Time.deltaTime; 
        else spread -= spreadPerSecond * 2 * Time.deltaTime;    
function OnGUI(){
        if(showCrosshair && verticalTexture && horizontalTexture){
                var verticalT = GUIStyle();
                var horizontalT = GUIStyle();
                verticalT.normal.background = verticalTexture;
                horizontalT.normal.background = horizontalTexture;
                spread = Mathf.Clamp(spread, minSpread, maxSpread);
                        GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - cWidth)/2, (Screen.height - spread)/2 - cLength, cWidth, cLength), temp, horizontalT);
                        GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - cWidth)/2, (Screen.height + spread)/2, cWidth, cLength), temp, horizontalT);
                        GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width - spread)/2 - cLength, (Screen.height - cWidth)/2, cLength, cWidth), temp, verticalT);
                        GUI.Box(Rect((Screen.width + spread)/2, (Screen.height - cWidth)/2, cLength, cWidth), temp, verticalT);

There is the C#:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Proba : MonoBehaviour {
	bool  showCrosshair = true;
	public Texture2D verticalTexture;
        public Texture2D horizontalTexture;
	public float cLength = 10;
	public float cWidth = 3;
	//Spreed setup
	public float minSpread = 45.0f;
	public float maxSpread = 250.0f;
	public float spreadPerSecond = 150.0f;
	private Texture temp;
	private float spread;
	public GUIStyle verticalT;
	public GUIStyle horizontalT;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		        //Used just for test (weapon script should change spread).
        if(Input.GetButton("Fire1")) spread += spreadPerSecond * Time.deltaTime; 
        else spread -= spreadPerSecond * 2 * Time.deltaTime;   
	void OnGUI(){
        if(showCrosshair && verticalTexture && horizontalTexture){
                //var verticalT = GUIStyle();
				//var horizontalT = GUIStyle();
                verticalT.normal.background = verticalTexture;
                horizontalT.normal.background = horizontalTexture;
                spread = Mathf.Clamp(spread, minSpread, maxSpread);

                        GUI.Box( new Rect((Screen.width - cWidth)/2, (Screen.height - spread)/2 - cLength, cWidth, cLength), temp, horizontalT);
                        GUI.Box( new Rect((Screen.width - cWidth)/2, (Screen.height + spread)/2, cWidth, cLength), temp, horizontalT);
                        GUI.Box( new Rect((Screen.width - spread)/2 - cLength, (Screen.height - cWidth)/2, cLength, cWidth), temp, verticalT);
                        GUI.Box( new Rect((Screen.width + spread)/2, (Screen.height - cWidth)/2, cLength, cWidth), temp, verticalT);

add [ExecuteInEditMode] to the class?

    public class Proba : MonoBehaviour {