<RI.Hid> Failed to get preparsed data

hey anyone know what this error means?

<RI.Hid> Failed to get preparsed data

im using unity 4,

Im using a windows surface pro, would this relate to the touch?

Same issue occurring here on a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro laptop:

Same here, also with Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro…

Ditto, per Unity Pro for Windows version 4.6.2.p2. Unity please answer this thread.

<RI.Hid> Failed to get preparsed data.
Whenever I plug in a device.
Both Android and WindowsPhone.

I’m getting this error on the FHD version of the Lenovo ideaPad Y50. For me it was introduced with the version 4.6.2.p2. Is this error harmless, or could something bad happen because of this?!?

This is related to a change that was made in 4.6.2p2 to improve behaviour around attaching/removing gamepads during play. The message indicates that Unity attempted to retrieve overview data from a device, but failed because the device doesn’t have that kind of data available (because it e.g. isn’t a gamepad). So, it’s harmless. (Unless you start seeing genuine input devices fail to work with Unity, in which case, file a bug please!)

I’ll try and get a fix for the message into the next patch release.

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This should be fixed in 4.6.3p1, due out next week. But as I said, the message is harmless.

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perhaps harmless, but wow… really annoying :smile:

I filed a report: Case 673862

4.6.3p1, not 4.6.3. It won’t be out until next week.

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Where do you get 4.6.3? I only see 4.6.2p2 on the Unity site.

4.6.3 is available from the main download page.

The fix for this message should be in 4.6.3p1, which will be available on the patch releases page sometime in the middle of the week.

Actually, not harmless… Repeatedly throws an error and pauses my game while I’m trying to play test in the editor.
Yeas, is possible to toggle off “Error Pause”, but I’m actually looking for errors… Real ones.

Happy to hear this will be fixed soon.

no doubt… I’d have to retract my harmless remark on it… been debugging, and it is bothersome when looking for something specific.

It is not the first time that something “harmless” gets into the debug console as an error. As @tswalk implies, it is not harmless; it costs developers time to figure out what is going on. I am so primed to take action as soon as I see a red console message that it becomes really annoying when it is just “something” harmless.

Could it be an idea to have error messages like these to look different / not show up in the editor console by default / show up in another window?

Or even better: a right click “Mute this message” option to mute that exact message for a certain time (or session)

Yes, a button would certainly be great. Full android logcat style filtering options would be even more welcome, especially on the informative messages.

just read the notes for 4.6.3p1 and it doesn’t look like it made it in…

or was it just not listed and it is actually in?

sorry, seems the issue I have been having may be different:

<RI.Hid> Failed to create device file:
1 Incorrect function.

sorry… looks so similar though.

4.6.3p1 Not fixed :frowning:

I have Unity3d versione 4.6.3p1 but it show “Failed to get device caps” when the team resolve this problem ?

4.6.3p2 - Not fixed…