I need length of a rich text string in terms of characters. How can I do it without manually stripping it of all tags?
You can create a simple helper method like this:
public int TextLength(string richText)
int len = 0;
foreach (var ch in richText)
bool inTag = false;
if (ch == '<'')
inTag = true;
else if (ch == '>')
inTag = false;
if (inTag)
return len;
DISCLAIMER : i never tested this, but you can get the rough idea.
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Yeah, that would work. Thx!
…and before anyone else just grabs the above optimistically, here’s it working:
public int TextLength(string richText)
int len = 0;
bool inTag = false;
foreach (var ch in richText)
if (ch == '<')
inTag = true;
else if (ch == '>')
inTag = false;
else if (!inTag)
return len;