RichText - Text Markup

Is there any documentation on richtext? I tried the offline documentation, but it lead to a non-existant page.
What I’d like to find is a method of making a part of the text clickable. For instance when someone links a piece of armour into chat, so that everyone can click and see that piece of armour.

it isnt out of the box, its possible to implement by yourself though (im working on it for example)

uGUI reuse old markups there isnt any new markup

Ah, thanks Breyer. I was hoping that the source code for rich text would be easy to find and build upon. Something like <link=linkid><color=yellow>[some link] which would use the events system to fire off an event with the linkid when clicked

you could do it now (as i do now) without source code but this way will be better though

The link is just broken. The file you are looking for is StyledText.html under the “Manual” directory in the Editor/Data/Documentation directory of your beta installation.