I found the following rigged hand which also contained a unity package and is supposed to be moveable.
When I import the package into unity, I don’t see any bones or joints that I can manipulate. I thought rigged models are supposed to be moveable? Or is there some extra step that I need to take in unity to move the hand model into a fist?
I took a look at rigify in blender and it is exactly what I want, except can it be exported to unity so I can control the model with a script and arduino?
As long as bones exist and exposed to unity, the model can be animated procedurally in unity, even if no animation clips exist. So rigged models are supposed to be moveable and posable by default, even if no animation exists.
They recently changed it so you can’t see or access the bones of a rigged 3D model by default. Now you have to go to the “rig” tab in the import settings and select the option to add them.
I suppose the reason is- In cases were you didn’t actually need to access the bones directly, then it’s more efficient if there’s not a separate GameObject for every little bone.
Well, maybe you should stop considering too many approaches.
First thing to do while debugging this would be to check if you’re receiving data.
The first way to do it would be logging the data into console with Debug.LogFormat().
Even in situation when the hand sensor is broken.you can employ different input as temporary plug, to make sure rigged hand moves.
Said input could be any of the input axes, WSAD, XBoxController axes and so on.