I have a custom animator using the Playable API, essentially just selecting between animations (for motion matching).
I set up a playable graph with the clips to perform this, using a runtime animator with a humanoid avatar.
Here’s what the graph looks like. (The top row is my graph. The bottom two rows come from a Rig I’m trying to apply).
This however causes the character to collapse into the default pose, then skate away to infinity (But does apply the rig constraints, namely a multi-aim constraint on the head)
I tried creating my own RigBuilder that uses Build(graph) instead of Build(), as I suspected the existing playable graph wasn’t being used.
public class MMRigBuilder : RigBuilder
MMController controller;
void OnEnable()
void Start()
// Build runtime data.
if (Application.isPlaying)
However with this the rig has no effect.
Is it possible to post-process an arbitrary playable graph with Animation Rigging constraints? If yes, what is the proper way to do it?