[Right choice?] 2D sidescroller action MMORPG

Hi !
I’m looking for a network who can match with my project: a 2D sidescroller action MMORPG with mecanics like super smach bross brawl. (It is more a training than a real project, because i’m alone, so my goal is just to reach a playable base).
So i need a server who can handle multiple instances of game (and multiple instances of physics) and NPCs (monsters for example)

I already created a base of a 3D moba in html5, and i had a nodejs server (with socket.io), and for the multithreading i used clusters and redis. But it look like unity work differently.:face_with_spiral_eyes:

I looked for the solution all the day, and i think that photon may be the right choice.
But i have some questions on this :
-I read that photon can’t handle Non player Characters himself, and we had to assign a master of the current game to control them by his client. I have some doubts on the possibilities to cheat whith this system. I prefer when all is calculated on the server side ( I may be wrong).
-Do you think photon is the appropriate choice for my project?
-Should i take photon realtime or PUN?

Thanks ! :wink:

if you are talking about an MMO as in 2000people on the same server then yea PUN is the way to go but this is very hard and i hope you have some serious skill but you are probably talking about a normal multiplayer game which both unity and PUN are good at. PUN is better ofcourse, you should check out their demos in the asset store.

Is PUN harder than unity networking?

No not really its the same.

Thank you again.
But, why should it be always a master client?

You cannot handle server side code with PUN. PUN is also for room based structured games for like 2-10 players per room.

The MasterClient is just one of the players. You can use him to handle hit detection and stuff like that, but in the end its still possible to cheat. But for a hobby project thats not such a big concern really.

Oh i see. So it fit with my project.
But, i want to be sure, Is there another solution with complete server-side computes?
Thank you

Photon Server (Not PUN) or uLink is commonly used for that. Or even Bolt on the Asset Store could be a good solution. You need to host your own server with all of them.

Hum thanks
Do you think it is easy or hard to change PUN to a custom photon server (realtime)?

Well super smach brawl is for 2-4 people so PUN should work fine for him.
And yes i’m sorry for an mmo you need the normal photon server my mistake.

Oh okay i see.
So, there is no way to use a database with player’s informations with PUN ? :cry:
Maybe if i use the master client to make the request to the DataBase with the load of a php script.
With a database which store the currents games, and player’s informations, could i be able to let the player connect to his account (username + passeword), receive his informations, and let him choose a room to join some friends for example?
In that case, i could set the player management interface on a website for example.

You could combine PUN with another service to add a user database and more. We partner with PlayFab. Maybe that is a good solution for you, too?
If you get a friend list from that service, you can use Photon’s FindFriends() to find the rooms they are in and might try to join those. You don’t need to keep an external list of rooms.