After updating to Unity 6000.0.34f1 from some 2022 version many light sources only light stuff up in the left eye. A little angle dependent but 100% reproducible especially for spotlights. I have reproduced it in the simplest possible Unity project and the problem is the same for pure OpenXR and SteamVR using the built in rendering pipeline.
I have spent a few days on this now the only way I can fix it is if I replace all lights bounding volumes to extreme sizes:
light.useBoundingSphereOverride = true;|
light.boundingSphereOverride = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 5000.0f);
This is what makes me think it is a culling problem.
I’m not sure this post is a question but more of a bug rapport, though, should I file it somewhere? If anybody is interested I could send the sample projects they are very small, but it is also very easy to reproduce:
Create a new 3d project with built in render pipe.
Add OpenXR support
My camera is set to 5000m back clipping plane
At 100m I place a white standard cube and light it stright forward with a spotlight.
It looks good on the PC and on the left eye in VR but the light spot is not there on the right eye.
I should probably add that I’m running on PC and have tested with multiple headsets (they actually behave slightly different, but all have the problem), and all are running through SteamVR 2.8.8