Rightclick resets every frame when manipulating cinemachine

First of all I just want to say that I am really new to unity so I apologise if this is very easy.

So I am trying to make a Cinemachine Freelook camera only move with rightclick is pressed.
It kind of works. But if I click I have to move and release the button within the same frame.

public void Start()
        CinemachineCore.GetInputAxis = GetAxisCustom;

    public float GetAxisCustom(string axisName)
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            if (axisName == "Mouse X")
                return Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
            else if (axisName == "Mouse Y")
                return Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");

        return 0;

How do I make this work with click and drag inbetween different frames?

Try putting this CinemachineCore.GetInputAxis = GetAxisCustom; in Update not start. Start only actions once.

public void Update()
         CinemachineCore.GetInputAxis = GetAxisCustom;