Rigid Body Collisions Fail

I am trying to collide at rigid body capsule collider against a rigid body Mesh collider. I am not certain where I am going wrong, but the rigid body does not collide everywhere. A raycast will return a hit, but the problem is that I am not getting a rigid body collision and I can see the capsule going through the mesh collider but it will not trigger OnCollisionEnter.

I am at a loss of what could be causing this as it occurs with all objects. I lock the orientation and position of all my rigid bodies and I move them into position for the collision, that way it has exited the prior collision and enters a new one.

In order for moving mesh colliders to collide:

  1. They have to have a rigid body attached which you say that you do.
  2. They must be marked as convex mesh colliders. Convex makes the collider geometry convex simplifying the number of collision checks Unity has to do.

You also must be moving them in a Physics approved way. That’s pretty much anyway that doesn’t directly modify the Transform.