Rigid Body Glitchy Movement

Hi, I’m new to Unity3D.

I have some basic understanding of it, but I cannot figure out which character controller to use. The character in the game would be doing all standard platforming movements, but it would also have some power-ups (speed boost) and interactions with other physics-based objects (grabbing and throwing these objects).

Would rigidbody or Character Controller work best for this?

Also, I am experimenting with rigidbody at the moment. I have this code set up to the sheep plane to move and jump. Also, I have a box collier set to the plane at 1, 1 ,1. I am wondering why when I move the sheep into a cube set with a box collier, it is jittering between the inside and outside of the box (the sheep plane does not have alpha and its imported from blender).

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class PlayerMoveScript : MonoBehaviour {

public float jumpSpeed = 0f;
public float movementSpeed = 0f;

public void Update() {
	//Is the Player pressing the buttons to move right or left.
	Vector3 horMovement = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * transform.right * Time.deltaTime * movementSpeed;

	//move the player


public void FixedUpdate () {

	/*check if player is on ground, than jump 
	 * Raycast: (starting position, direction to send ray, how long to extend the array) */
    if (Input.GetKeyUp("space") && Physics.Raycast (transform.position, -transform.up, 1))
        rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(transform.up * jumpSpeed, ForceMode.Impulse);


You’re better off using a Character Controller; the 2 (or even simple move) commands don’t judder around when colliding with objects (like you’ve described with your sheep).

EDIT: Oh, and you can still have a rigidbody attached to the characters, just don’t use it to control the movement. That way you can still use it with physics interactions.