Here’s what I’m trying to do. I want to have various RB’s sitting atop a rotating platform, which is also an RB. As the platform object rotates, the RB objects on top of it should move with it.
Unfortunately, rotating the platform via direct manipulation of its transform resullts in “slippery” rotation of the objects on top of it. If It turn the gravity for the objects atop the platform off, they move as they should, but that’s not useful, since I need them to have gravity. Manipulating the drag params for the objects does not help either.
I’ve tried placing the platform and objects in an empty object and rotating the empty object, withthe same results.
Attach a hinge joint to moving platform.
Set it up to rotate using a motor.
The hingejoint will make sure it rotates only around one axis (the up vector in your case) and the hingejoint will make sure it is rotating at some speed you define.