Rigidbody bumps slightly where ground colliders meet

Hello everyone, this is probably the first time I ask a question here since I couldn’t find any solution to this.

As you can see in the image below I am instantiating terrain prefabs that have box colliders attached to them, and they meet perfectly without any gap.

alt text

Using a rigidbody with a capsule collider for the character and applying constant rigidbody velocity on Z ←

My problem is, whenever my character runs over the spot where the ground colliders meet, the character hops a bit in the air, it’s not a large hop, something like .1 on the vertical axis, but still noticeable.

Is there any way to find a solution for this issue?

Try using a single edge collider or put a circle collider around your character’s feet. The circle collider usually solves this issue.

HI there !
coming back to this topic.
Does anybody has a solution for this ?
Thanks a lot ! :slight_smile: