Rigidbody collisions stopped working on my ship, why?

Hello, I have a Rigidbody spaceship with a capsule collider, and a primitive cube Rigidbody with a box collider. Both colliders have Is Trigger checked. These used to collide and bounce off each other, but after an overhaul of my control system, they now don’t. I’m new enough to Unity that I’m not sure what I could could be messing up that could cause these to no longer collide, or how to test/debug that sort of thing well. Ideas?

I attached a pic of the ship inspector and editor, and the cube inspector.

is trigger should not be checked

Hmm, ok, why not? When should I check that vs not?

IsTrigger checked: to detect when one collider enters a space of another without collision.

Great, thanks so much! I was thinking it was the reverse :). Fixed.