Rigidbody Floating Problem?

Hi all,
I’m making a super smash bros clone(won’t have the same characters), and it’s going fine. I had to edit my movement script a bit recently since it had alot of unneeded things, but now when I jump and move left or right the rigidbody floats. Here’s a webplayer to show how. Just go into training, jump (press P) and move left or right (A or D). or just see how slow it falls back after jumping in general. It didn’t do this with the last script, but I can’t use the last one since I want jumping to be delayed.

I want jumping to have a small delay between when you press jump and it actually does it (already implemented), so UP+P attacks can work fine.
Any help?

Here’s my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
	private Rigidbody _Rig; //Reference to the current rigidbody
	private bool CanJump = true; //If you can jump
	private float Speed = 5; //The speed we are currently going
	private float JumpSpeed = 10; //The speed of the jump we currently have
	public bool Moving = false;
	public bool Grounded = true;
	public int CJump = 0;
	public bool Jump = true;
	public bool Dashing = false; //Bool for if we're dashing
	public float Jumps = 1; //How many jumps you have
	public float WSpeed = 5; //Walking speed
	public float RSpeed = 8; //Running speed
	public float JSpeed = 10; //Jump velocity
	public float SJSpeed = 15; //Velocity of all jumps after the first
	public float RayDist = 5; //Distance of ray to check Grounded
	public int Player = 1; //The player's number, used for controller
	public float DecelSpeed = 0.9f; //Deceleration speed
	public bool Attk = false; //Checks if your attacking or not

	private bool CJumped = false; //If we have checked the last jump on the ground for jump delay
	public float JumpDelay = 0.75f; //Delay between touching the ground and being able to jump again
	public float JumpBDelay = 0.05f; //Delay before the jump to allow Up smashes

	void Update () {
		Jump = !Grounded; //Jump will never be true when your grounded
	public void InputMan(float Hoz, float Vert, bool Jump){
		Grounded = Physics.Raycast (transform.position+new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), -transform.up, RayDist);
		//Limit Speed
		if(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > WSpeed){
			rigidbody.velocity = rigidbody.velocity.normalized * WSpeed;
		//Check Speed
		if (!Dashing) {
			Speed = WSpeed;
		} else {
			Speed = RSpeed;
		if (Moving && Attk == false) {
			if(Vert < 0){
				Vert = 0;
				Vector3 temp = new Vector3(Hoz*WSpeed, 0, 0);
				rigidbody.AddForce (temp, ForceMode.Impulse);
				Vector3 temp = new Vector3(Hoz*WSpeed/1.5f, 0, 0);
				rigidbody.AddForce (temp, ForceMode.Impulse);

		//Checking if your grounded and it hasn't checked your jumps
		if (Grounded && CJumped == false) {
			Jump = false;
			CJumped = true;

		//First Jump
		if (Grounded && Jump && CanJump && Attk == false && CJump < Jumps) {
			Invoke("BJumpDelay", JumpBDelay);
		//All Jumps After
		if (CJump > 0 && Jump && CanJump && Attk == false && CJump < Jumps) {
			Debug.Log("Double" + CJump.ToString());
			Jump = true;
			if(CJump == 0){
				JumpSpeed = JSpeed;
				JumpSpeed = SJSpeed;
			rigidbody.AddForce (transform.up*JumpSpeed, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
			CJump += 1;
			CJumped = false;

		Decelerate (Hoz);
		LookDir ();

	void BJumpDelay(){
		//Delay before you jump
		if(Attk == false){
			Jump = true;
			if(CJump == 0){
				JumpSpeed = JSpeed;
				JumpSpeed = SJSpeed;
			rigidbody.AddForce (transform.up*JumpSpeed, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
			CJump = 1;
			CJumped = false;

	void LookDir(){
		//Look in direction of movement
		if (Moving) {
			Vector3 tempT = rigidbody.velocity;
			tempT.z = tempT.x;
			tempT.y = 0;
			tempT.x = 0;
			transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tempT);

	void Decelerate(float Hoz){
		//Checks if moving, and also decelerates once you stop moving to prevent sliding
		if (Hoz > 0 && !Attk || Hoz < 0 && !Attk) {
			Moving = true;
		} else {
			Moving = false;
	IEnumerator JumpD(){
		//Delay of jump after you hit the ground
		CanJump = false;
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(JumpDelay);
		CanJump = true;
		CJump = 0;

	IEnumerator JumpAnimD(){
		//Animation data for jumping
		Jump = true;
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.75f);
		Jump = false;

Vector3 temp = new Vector3(HozWSpeed, 0, 0);
rigidbody.AddForce (temp, ForceMode.Impulse);
Vector3 temp = new Vector3(Hoz
WSpeed/1.5f, 0, 0);
rigidbody.AddForce (temp, ForceMode.Impulse);

The problem is in the else part .When the JigglyPuff is not grounded this

rigidbody.AddForce (temp, ForceMode.Impulse);

code runs continuously. This is some how related to you Input mechanism way. Just call this code once by ading a bool to it

i think this should solve it.

Would like to say I found the problem, and it was pretty simple.

        if(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > WSpeed){
            rigidbody.velocity = rigidbody.velocity.normalized * WSpeed;

This line also limits speed on the vertical axis, which is what causes the floating/hovering. This should be used instead.

		Vector3 velocity = rigidbody.velocity;
		velocity.x = Mathf.Clamp(velocity.x, -WSpeed, WSpeed);
		rigidbody.velocity = velocity;