Rigidbody is not responding?

I am wanting to use the rigidbody for my Jetpack physics instead of transform.Translate. Here is what I am doing right now:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class JetpackBehavior : MonoBehaviour
	public float MaxSpeed = 100;

	public float Accel = 1;

	public float Thrust = 0;

	private void MouseInputRight()
		Thrust = Mathf.Min(Thrust + Accel, MaxSpeed);

		transform.Translate(0, Thrust * Time.deltaTime, 0);

		//rigidbody.AddForce(Thrust * Vector3.up);
	//rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(Thrust * Vector3.up);

	private void MouseInputRightUp()
		Thrust = 0;

The trouble with doing this is that angular velocity is not calculated and so the player drops straight downward (this looks lame). I have tried adding a rigidbody and then adding force to it, but that does not work. I am using a CharacterController as well and am not sure if that will conflict with the rigidbody.

Any ideas?

I think your best bet would to be to add the force to the CharacterController. Just make it reconise if the jetpack is attached and add upward force to your person, instead of the jetpack. Or, you could parent your person to the jetpack instead using Transform.parent.