Rigidbody Issue on spawn (Unity Networking)


I’m making a small game for me and my friends but I have an issue when the network manager spawn the player.

The player has a rigidbody based controller.

And when he spawns, some unknow rotation forces apply on the player and I don’t know where they are comming from.

I checked every scripts where I apply forces and rotation but nothing solve my problem.

For the movement I use ‘rigidbody.AddForce’ and for the rotation I use ‘transform.Rotate’.
I tried to replace ‘transform.Rotate’ by ‘rigidbody.MoveRotation’ but I have the same issue.

Can someone help me ?


Good day.

Does the object have a Navmesh agent?

There ases any collision interacting?

Is the object or the parents receiveng orders or impacts or collisions from other object/script?

I just found out that all clients are rotating on the global Z axe

I found the solution : i changed the center of mass.
