rigidbody jumping and moving with constant speed without acceleration (with video )

hi , im new to unity (3 months)

and i m making a remake of a level of an old game namaed"pepsi-man"

so i have done all stuf animations of the player , the obstacles but the movement of the can , i tryed a lot to make it throw animation and throw code but i didnt get it a good result

so now im looking for script that make the can’s movement throw script .

this is the level : Pepsiman Stage 1 Level 3 - YouTube

and of course the speed of the can must be constant (no acceleration)

Coincidentally I answered a similar question yesterday and someone else posted another good solution. The thread is here: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/1385517/grappling-hook-3.html?childToView=1385678#answer-1385678

Hope that helps, Areleli Games

You could Mathf.Clamp the speed and rotation values, this would keep it inside your wanted range, but would also give your object the ability to accelerate if below that value.

Alternatively, you could code your own movement management script with more complex behaviours like deccelerating decceleration and accelerating acceleration, but the general idea is to either use Mathf.Clamp to limit a value (which is a basically a function that checks if the value is above maximum, and if it is, sets it to the maximum), or to create a mechanism or a formula that will automatically slow down the translation and rotation of an object.

My guess is that you would want to create movement that bounces when colliding with the floor, rotates at a constant speed and moves at a constant speed. This can all be done with the aforementioned solutions.