Rigidbody Mechanics

I have a panel with a rigidbody and collider applied. Using OnMouseDown I click on it with addforce and it is propelled backwards as it should. However, the position of the mouse click has no relevance at all. Click on the top and it looks right. Click on the bottom and it looks wrong. If I click on the bottom I want the bottom of the panel to rotate around the x axis as the whole object is propelled backwards.
Do I need to have several objects with individual colliders but made to look like 1 object?

Can you post the script you’re using? If you are just using OnMouseDown and nothing to define the mouse position, you aren’t adding the force a defined point in your script. Use Input.MousePosition to define your point.

Hope this helps!:smile:

Thanks for your suggestion.

I changed my script to the following but am still getting the same result?

void OnMouseDown()
if (loadCounter != 0 triggerStatus != “Not Cocked”)
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
rigidbody.AddForce(ray.direction * force);

Try defining the point through the raycast and raycasthit.


This has exactally what you’re looking for:smile:

Excellent, Xtremepman. Thank you for your assistance. :slight_smile:

If u need any more help, PM me!