Rigidbody Overhead


I am working on the environment of my game and to make it feel more real, I wanted to my environment to implement physics; for example brushing past large leaves and having them react.

Would it be best if I used rigidbodys and tweaked them to have them feel real. And to what extent could I use this?

Or is there another way I could approach this?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: My game is a 2.5D sidescroller.

It would be possible but difficult to have the leaves react to physical forces, you would have to connect them, the branches and much of the environment using joints, could be very costly and fiddly. You might be better animating the trees, testing for a simple collision using colliders and play the animation when something hits them, you could gradually decrease the weight of the animation after the collision is over to simulate them coming to rest when the collider has passed.