I have a plane without any physic material, and a sphere (Physic material also set to None)
Vector3 moveVector = clickedPosition - rigidbody.position;
rigidbody.AddForce (moveVector, ForceMode.Impulse);
Sphere starts to move on mouse click and it works.
But i can’t understand why it slows down so quickly.
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1fx5ANOw2asaVl3clZLMUFmaUU/view?usp=sharing
After AddForce sphere starts to move fast but some seconds later it slows down very quickly but
continues to move at very low speed.
I’ve already tried:
Change mass, Drag, Angular Drag, change physic material (both sphere and plane), Physics Manager (Sleep Threshold) but with no luck.
I expected that after applying a force sphere’s slowing should be more smooth, or “linear”, but now i see a sharp slowdown at the end of the moving. I can’t explain it correctly, it is shown in video.
I think i am doing something wrong.