Rigidbody starts to missbehave

We have larger world within one scene where the player can travel on the x and z from -4096 to 4096. Now the player animation works all fine and needs a much higher distance to start misbehaving. But the rigidbodies start the mess up already at about -2500 on one of the axis.

When dragged from the Project folder into the scene, if enough far away from the terrain is placed in midair and gravity has no affect on it, if dragged directly onto the terrain the rigidbody starts to change all its translation and rotation values very fast and spins around somewhere in space.

Any information on what the limitations of a rigidbody is or even better a workaround or a solution on how to get it to work at those distances?

OK, the Rigidbodies where not under any hierarchy and they started to misbehave around -2080 in X when i tested id. But moving it to even +8000 in X did not create any weird behavior.

This means PhysX does not like negative values very much. The scene goes now from 0 to +8192 and not from -4092 to 4092 and it works fine.