Rigidbody velocity x & y value exponent value change to float value

I tested my game objects velocity in Update

Debug.Log (transform.rigidbody.velocity.x + "
" + transform.rigidbody.velocity.y)

But sometimes I see these values,

X: -1.888938E-06
Y: 3.216858E-12

What causes this, and how can I get an actual float value? I need these value to determine the direction this object travels.


That’s just Scientific Notation

Short introduction: the number behind the E tells you how much you have to move the decimal point to the left(negative) or right(positive)

so your numbers are:

X: -1.888938E-06 => -0.000001888938
Y: 3.216858E-12 => 0.000000000003216858

sooo… pretty much zero

another example for the other direction:

1.23E6 = 1230000