Rigidbody vs MeshCollider?

I’m working on a project where we generate a lot of meshes. So most of the stuff in the world is a MeshCollider. The main vehicle (also dynamically created) uses physics to move around, so it is a rigidbody.

My problem is that these two don’t bump in to each other, so I need to generate a MeshCollider to attach to the vehicle. Is this correct? It seems correct since attaching a BoxCollider to the vehicle makes everything work. (The BoxCollider is also required to hit triggers.)

While searching for this answer here I found a thread saying there was a great summary of when to use rigidbodies vs meshcolliders, but I don’t see it in the docs.

It’s at the bottom of the page about mesh colliders. You can make convex mesh colliders collide with normal mesh colliders, but it seems completely unnecessary for a car–a box collider or three would be fine. Also mesh colliders take some pre-processing time, so it’s highly unlikely that you want to use them for dynamically-created objects. Always try to use primitive colliders whenever possible.


Best page ever. Thanks.