Rigidbody2d addforce is not working

I did everything at google and chatgpt suggestions.

I checked everything but still its not moving at all. why?

public Vector2 ForceDirec;
public float force;
public void FixedUpdate()
    if (RotateGo)
        Debug.Log(ThisBody.angularVelocity);  // print 0.
        ThisBody.AddForce(ForceDirec * force, ForceMode2D.Force);

Line 5 test a boolean. Is it true?

Line 7 prints angular velocity. That has nothing to do with velocity.

Line 8 adds a force which should change velocity, assuming everything else is correct.

The values going into line 8 should be where you start your debugging journey.

We know Rigidbodies and AddForce work, so work from the assumption that either your code isn’t running or your data is bad.

line5 is true, cuz line 7 prints 0.
line 7 angular velocity used because there is no velocity in code. I don’t know why.
Using newest Visual studio, unity version.

Rigidbody2d really work? addforce work? …

Then why mine not…

I know why.
I also attached FixedJoint2d component at the object.
If I disable this component, Addforce works.
But this FixedJoint2D is not connected to anybody.

Then this means I can’t use FixedJoint2d and Rigidbody2d both?

And what does the documentation explicitly say happens that condition?

you can assign any other rigidbody to there manually or by script code.