Rigidbody2D.Moveposition not working

I am trying to make a 2D runner game where there are four “lanes” that have obstacles, and the character switches lanes to avoid them. If i use transform.Translate the character can move onto the wall, but then gets stuck in the box collider that is supposed to stop it from running into the wall. I tried using Rigidbody2D.Moveposition to calculate the motion because that works great in 3D. However, the character does not move when I push the buttons. I can’t find the error in my code, and am hoping one of you can help

Thank You in advance

   private Vector2 move = new Vector2(0.5f,1);
   private Rigidbody2D player;

   void Start()
	player = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

void Update()
	player.MovePosition(player.position + move);
	player.MovePosition(player.position - move);

Make your MovePosition calls in FixedUpdate, collisions are a physics calculation.

From the documentation for MovePosition:

It is important to understand that the actual position change will only occur during the next physics update therefore calling this method repeatedly without waiting for the next physics update will result in the last call being used. For this reason, it is recommended that it is called during the FixedUpdate callback.

Just becoz u call MovePosition in FixedUpdate doesn’t always mean that now it’s gonna work, MAKE SURE ‘Simulated’ is checked in Rigidbody2d Component. It damn hell wasted 2-3 hour to figure this out.