rim lighting where walls, meet cielings, floors or other meshes

hey guys I wanted to put forward an issue I am coming across. I found that when I use directional light (used with shadows enabled) I get this wierd rim lighting along the edge of the meshes. Now the key thing I noticed is, that it only does it with meshes that have no back faces e.g. walls, corner of walls, ceilings etc to name a few, basically face/polys people will never see thus reducing the performance overhead that is required by the engine to clean up. However with this problem I came across it is forcing me to make backs or entire models of walls not just a primitive “optimized” to facilitate a wall model, or whatever. This will cause issues with having to be forced to do entire models where polys will never be seen. Yeah the engine can clean it up or cull it, but that defeats the point as it is far more effecient to take it out if its not ever going to be seen. So any thoughts on this issue? any possible resolutions anyone came across to solve this?? thanks, here is 2 screenshots describing my issue. I hope you guys can help.

as you can see only the walls and the corner wall has that wierd rim edge lighting issue.

anyone? do I need to make backs to the walls? but that seems kind of silly if I have to be forced to do that . anyone got a solution?

Kind of looks like maybe your texture just isn’t running all the way to the edge of the UV. I had a similar problem recently and that was the issue for me. Worth checking.