Road Crossing Game is a full Unity template ready for release. It is compatible with mobile as well as standalone and webplayer. It is similar in genre to classic arcade games, as well as modern infinite runners.
How to Play?
Use the keyboard arrows or the mouse to move around, collect coins and avoid being killed by the many deadly obstacles. The game controls also fit mobile and console without need for further coding.
Game ready for release straight out of the box, just build and play!
Available in both C# an JS, all in the same package.
Works on all platforms, PC, Mac, iOS, Android, etc
Supports multiple resolutions and aspect ratios, automatically.
Supports Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepad, and Touch controls.
Easily customizable with lots of options to control game difficulty.
If you need help with anything, contact me, I’ll do my best
Update history
1.55 (12.11.2021)
Fixed movement when hitting a wall
Updated to latest versions
Minor fixes
1.49 (10.12.2017)
Removed all JavaScript assets to prevent future compatibility issues.
1.48 (26.10.2017)
Support for versions of Unity 5.5, Unity 5.6, and Unity 2017
1.47 (14.05.2016)
Added moving platforms you can walk on ( logs floating in the river ).
Support for versions higher than Unity 5.3.
Better support for UnityAds 5.2 and above.
1.45 (24.12.2015)
Added support for the Animator component, along with an example player.
You now have an option in the game controller to stop powerups on death.
You can now have a victory condition in randomly generated levels too.
New lane sets including 3x lilypads, 5x lilypads, and the super buzzsaw!
Continuous tap/mouse control allows the player to be more responsive.
Added MainMenu/Restart/Resume buttons to pause screen.
Reorganized JS/C# folders to make sure there are no clashes.
1.36 (24.10.2015)
Added an option to create custom levels (non-random), with a victory screen and animation. Example scene with custom level also included.
1.34 (12.09.2015)
Added support for UnityAds along with a quick integration guide.
Improved controls responsiveness by caching the next move the player chooses (Similar to how in PacMan you can give the next turn command before you finish your current move)
1.3 (27.07.2015)
Added river lanes with lilypads you can jump on.
Added 2 new characters: A sheep and a duck!
1.27 (10.06.2015)
Added 3 new characters: A goat, a turtle, and a koala.
Video tutorial showing the process of creating a new character covering everything from modeling in 3DS Max, UVW editing, texturing, and then exporting and implementing the new player into Unity, and adding it to the shop too.
When the player dies a ghost spawns which can be moved to a safe area before respawning the player.
1.23 (21.05.2015)
Added lives to the player. When the player dies he loses a life and. Also added an Extra Life item you can pick up. Dying in the fog pushes the fog a little back.
Video tutorial shows how to add new enemies to the game, put them in a lane, and make the lane appear in the game.
Added script to remove some of the objects after a certain distance. This helps improve performance.
1.2 (03.04.2015)
Added a powerup system. You can collect items throughout the game which give you double coins, slowmotion, etc. You can also add your own powerups to the list.
Improved drawcalls by setting the receive/cast shadows state on renderers to one or the other, rather than both.
Improved object drops on lanes, allowing for a list of objects that can also drop in a sequence, for better gameplay consistency (random drops are also an option).
Set next lane position to be public. You can now see a red line which represents the placement of the next lane in the game.
Sounds now play regardless of whether there is an animation or not.
Fixed the minimum gap between two objects in C#.
Fixed TextByPlatform in C#.
1.18 (05.03.2015)
Added a shop where you can buy and unlock new characters to play as. The coins you collect during gameplay are stored and can be used to buy new cute animals.
You can toggle swipe controls for mobile devices. Swipe in a direction to move the player.
You can toggle the random move direction for the objects on a lane.
You can also set the width of each lane, so you can now have lanes of various widths.
Locked movement of player to the grid.
1.1 (12.02.2015)
Entire project ported to C# thanks to Jordan Swapp. You now get the project in both JS and C#.
Improved performance and reduced drawcalls.
1.03 (09.02.2015)
You can limit the speed of the Death Line.
You can set the minimum gap between moving objects.
MAX models are now included in the package
Updated tutorial to cover reskinning 3D models, creating new models, and creating new tiles.
This 6 minute video shows the process of adding new enemies to the game, putting them in a lane, and then adding the lane to the lane list. For the purpose of the tutorial we used car models from the package Zigzag Infinite Runner but you can use any FBX/OBJ car model you like.
What we did:
Drag the car models and animation into our project.
Extract the cars we want to use, and assign the correct textures/materials to them.
Duplicate one of enemies and use it as the basis for our car enemy.
Refit the animation of the enemy using the car animation we imported.
Duplicate one of the lanes and use it as the car lane, adding all car variations we made to it. Set speed and number of cars in the lane.
Add the new lane we made to the list of lanes created in the game.
A new update has just been submitted to the store. It should be accepted within a few days.
1.34 (12.09.2015)
Added support for UnityAds along with a quick integration guide.
Improved controls responsiveness by caching the next move the player chooses (Similar to how in PacMan you can give the next turn command before you finish your current move)
This 1 hour video shows the process of creating and adding a new player to Road Crossing Game, starting with 3DS Max where we duplicate the doggy model and modify it into a new Goat model, while also editing the texture in Flash CS3 to fit the new character we created. Finally we import it into Unity, add it to the list of players and to the list of characters in the shop, and also create several death effects for it.
Watch the video on youtube:
What we did:
Duplicate doggy model and move it over, then apply a UVW Unwrap modifier to it, and move its UVW to an empty space on the spritesheet. Save the UVW info to a PNG so we can edit it in Flash.
Open the spritesheet in Flash, and drag the UVW PNG to it. Align the new UVW element into the rest of the UVW.
Create a new layer for the goat texture and draw it based on the UVW info we have. Then export the spritesheet to its original location in the project.
When we open 3DS Max again we can see the new texture applied to the duplicated model.
Now we can start to reshape it into a goat. Remove the ears and extrude horns from them, and also reshape head.
Since we created new polygons for the horns we need to edit the UVW again to unwrap and put the horn UVW in an empty space in the spritesheet so we can draw over it.
Same process is repeated for the legs as we want to give them more texture detail than the legs of the dog we duplicated from.
Keep alternating between shaping the model, editing the UVW info, and drawing the texture in Flash until we get the result we want.
Once we have the model ready we can export it as FBX to Unity.
In Unity we duplicate one of the player prefabs and replace the Mesh of the object Part1 into our new model.
Add the new player to the list of players in the game controller.
In the Shop we duplicate one of the buttons and give it a new name. Then we add it to the RCGShop script. You can set the price of the character unlock here.
Important: Make sure you assign the correct index number in the OnClick() function of the button we created. Index 0 means the 1st character is unlocked, index 1 refers to character 2, etc
We also take a screenshot of the new character and add it to the icons in Flash. Then we assign this new icon to the new button we created.
Finally we duplicate some of the existing death effects for other characters and fit them to our character. Then we assign the new prefabs to the new character.
You can use any 3D modeling software to create your 3D models, and for textures you can use any graphics program that can edit a PNG. Flash CS3 and 3D Max are just the process I feel comfortable using. What’s nice about Flash is that it’s very intuitive ( just basically lines and fills ), and it’s in vectors so you can export it to textures of any size.
If you’re on Mac and looking for free tools to create 3D and 2D graphics I recommend looking at Blender:
Hi! First let me tell you I love the template. Second, the gameplay and the graphics are exccellents.
Can I ask you if you think its possible to add:
1.-A reward unity botton
2.-Shop with real $ to buy coins
Yes, the reward system. That can be getting a life and continue playing the game, or 10 coins in reward every time you choose playing and add. Thats a very cool system couse you let the user choose and is not a pop up that boders.
Yes, I mean using soomla to buy coins with real $.
All your games need that, I ll buy them all if you add those!!!
Couse those are the way we can get some $$.
The best!!!
My current update ( will be in the store within a few days ) has some little additions based on user feedback from the madness sale. After that I will focus on making a new update, maybe with some of your feedback. The Lives/Coins reward is simple enough I think, but the SOOMLA I will take a look at it and see how it can be done.
If I succeed with SOOMLA integration I will of course add it to many of my other games, just like I did with UnityAds.
Thanks again for the feedback, this will only make the package better!
Yes, the next update has an option to use either Animation or Animator on the model. If you assign an Animator component you’ll have an “Idle” and “Move” animation defined for the character.
Checking… I just erased the last one, downloaded again, looks like its the 1.41… tested and but power ups didnt stop when I died. Could it be the Unity version im using? (5.0.2f1)
@ :
I’m taking a look at it, from a few tries I see the powerups disappear after gameover, but I might be missing some of the code cases in other parts of the game.
I might push out a quick fix when I find what’s missing.