Roatate animation starts from 0


I have coins in game, out of 3 coins first one’s Y rotation is 0 , second ones Y rotation is set to 60 and third ones Y rotation is set to 120

I have attach animation clip to it which rotates the coins.

But the thing is all coins rotate position gets set to 0 and they start to rotate from Y position at 0 .

How can I add that clip where all those three coins start to rotate from where there default position?

Your first keyframe for each coin has to be set to where you want them to start.

So if you want one to start at 60, you have to set the first keyframe to 60 on y rotation.

Maybe this would be easier done in code? Try it:

private float spinSpeed = 50.0f;

void Update() {

transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, spinSpeed * Time.deltaTime);


Okay I able to make it on my own,

What I basically did is, Created empty object ,set its Y position rotation and then added coin to child of that object.