Robot turrets move and fire

Hey I am making a game where you are a robot, I want the legs to move the body while the top follows the mouse and fires bullets. I have the moving and rotating down all I need is help with the bullets flying from the turret, instead of the legs, I put script on the turrets and made them fire but its still coming from the legs.

It sounds like you simply need to either raise the position of the bullet's starting position, or - if your turrets are a separate gameObject, use the turret's position instead of the legs. (Presumably your script is on the "legs" gameobject, and the rotating turret is a child object of the legs?...).

Eg - Instead of:

var bullet = Instantiate( bulletPrefab, transform.position, turret.rotation);

You could either have:

var bullet = Instantiate( bulletPrefab, turret.position, turret.rotation);


// bullets start 2 units higher:
var bulletPos = transform.position + Vector3.up * 2; 
var bullet = Instantiate( bulletPrefab, bulletPos, turret.rotation);

does it have a title screen yet?