Note to mods: Please do not remove this post, it is a completely legitimate game, I’m just having a bit of fun with this thread.
Introducing, Rock Simulator 2014
For a long time, there has been one game missing from the market, a genuine rock simulator. I am here for you today to introduce you to Rock Simulator 2014. This simulator is a rock enthusiasts dream. You can watch beautiful rocks in any location in the world. From grass plains to salt flats, there are dozens of hand designed BEAUTIFUL environments.
The beautiful thing about this game, is that there is no gameplay. There is a simple HUD, and a camera that rotates around the hand crafted rock. Just sit back, relax and watch the rocks.
Due to all the attention this has gotten, I don’t want to just give a game with a camera pointed to a rock to everybody. So now there will be game-play along with a story line. More information is to come very soon.
I think the rock animation needs a huge amount of work. It will probably take at least weeks, or more likely months, of 16-hour days to get it right, but it will be worth it in the end. Actually it will probably require an entire team, so I hope you’re not doing this alone.
Thanks for replying. So far, the little amount of animation I worked on took forever. The erosion to the rocks over years is hard to capture. I’m thinking about hiring a dev team of 24 people to help out.
Not going to comment on that one. Anyhow, make sure you set aside enough Kickstarter funds for Dwayne Johnson to do the electrifying commentary/voiceovers that would take place in this game.
This is great, concept art is really nicely done and the game play is nice and smooth. I love the way you have used a rock in the game play, Nice touch.
I think added a good graphics team of 20 and a few more coders and you have a £29.99 value game here
You should habe a realistic budget to execute this. Maybe start at like 50k.If you dont have any money we could get you crowdfunded. This has a promising future. Keep it up.
Since I’ve had more time to think about this, I have to say you’ve taken on way more than you can realistically accomplish. The rigging alone will be insanely complicated, never mind the animation, and let’s not even mention the networking code. I know everyone wants to make rock simulators, but as a first project it’s just not gonna happen. Start smaller. Make a pebble simulator first—if you can manage to finish that, the experience will be invaluable.
I know this is still a development build, but I’m rather concerned about the obvious lack of rocks of color in your game. Far too often games will only represent one, usually granite, and if there is more than one, they’re stereotyped in the worst ways (Igneous is found in other places than just volcanoes, devs!).
I’m not asking you or any of your expansive team to end rockism. All I ask is that rocks of all types have a chance at equal representation in video games. I don’t think that’s too much to ask, but here we are.
I understand your frustration. I too have a pet peeve for unequal rocks. I assure you that me and my 230 Chinese workers will take your recommendation seriously, and end rock discrimination with this game.
We can’t guarantee anything. You might see rocks mating in their natural environment or you might see nothing at all. ESRB has given this game an AO rating, Adults Only.
In addition, mine is multiplayer, you can see all the other players in the game world around you. If you could get closer to them you could see their gamertags as well.