Rocket Armadillo (Facebook Game)

Hey everyone,
I just launched the gameplay beta of my new game “rocket armadillo”.
Maybe some of you know the inspiration for this game :wink:
It’s a 5 level plus 2 special stages beta, so if you have 5 minutes then give it a try!



  • Facebook API connection (need to update the PHP version on my server)
  • Level editor for everyone!
  • Little things. But maybe the most important ones!

Programming: Me
Graphics Warby
Music: FantomenK

Enjoy and hopefully this will be my first thread that will get a bit more attention than… well… none :smile:

My son and I played this some last night and had fun with it. The graphics are charming and the armadillo is pretty cute rolling around in the air. I don’t play Facebook games much though - is there a way to adjust the window of the game on the Facebook page or go into full screen mode? It was kind of cramped and some of the player’s window was cut off…

Reminds me of Donkey Kong Country for the snes! (or was it N64?) :slight_smile:

Haha, that’s pretty cool. Simple yet fun.

i enjoyed this game :slight_smile: Very fun :slight_smile:

Oi… so this thread DID get responses… sorry, I’d just given up :smile:

We uploaded a new version of the game with some new effects, controls and also one new level. Next step is to get the level editor user friendly!

(You don’t need to be a Facebook user to play this game!)

well… there was the pissibility to right click and go into fullscreen mode. but it’s now gone cause of the new control system. we will ad an full screen button in the next version! :slight_smile:
As far a I know, some browser can’t display the iframe without problems…

project name was “donki kong”. so, yes, you’re right :wink:

thanks :slight_smile: