Roguelands Kickstarter has Launched [2D Multiplayer RPG]

Hey all! It’s been a long 7 months but I’ve finally got the Roguelands Kickstarter going!

Kickstarter Page:

Explore procedurally generated worlds, gather rare resources, craft powerful gear, and save the galaxy. Coming to PC, MAC, & LINUX.

Earth lies in ruin. Our ever advancing Aether technology opened a rift to another time, unleashing an ancient beast upon the galaxy. Known as the Destroyer, this massive creature travels from world to world devouring the Aether in planet cores only to leave a dead shell in its wake.

The Galactic Council has invoked a peace treaty among the stars, in the hopes that nations from all over the galaxy will join forces against this ancient monstrosity. But amid this chaos, some organizations have different plans…

You play as a Galactic Cadet, tasked with traveling to hostile planets in search of precious resources before The Destroyer rips through the planet core. Team up with friends, gather resources, and craft powerful gear on your home planet so you can aid the fight to save the galaxy!

Please consider supporting my project! Post any questions you have, too :slight_smile:

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Would you consider this the sequel to Magicite? Because it looks like a Magicite 2. Love the art style, has a lot of added spunk it seems like. Oh, and it looks like it’s sci-fi this time.

Looks great and very hectic,I love coop arcade games, but the KS page only mentions online multiplayer. Will there be a local coop mode (not LAN, but rather everyone on the same PC → “Couch-Coop”), and related to that, will gamepads be supported?

@ImAldu thanks for the kind words! Roguelands won’t have permanent death like in magicite, so that opens a lot of more RPG game design options. Specifically character creation, leveling, allocating stat points, etc will have much more depth this time around. Players will also be able to jump in and out of games that their friends are hosting instead of joining while in a lobby.

@Cherno There will probably be only online multiplayer, and I’m unsure if I want to add controller support because so many skills and movement options require a mouse position. But who knows!

Well that’s awesome! That sounds like it’ll be pretty fun. Is there going to be any methods of making the game replayable? Like perhaps there’s procedural zones you can travel to (dungeons, etc… that kind of thing. or an overworld that’s procedurally generated) and fight way stronger monsters to get better items, perhaps even randomized items (like borderlands) that way it’s a constant fight to keep leveling up your character and it gets harder and harder.

yes actually every planet, town, and area is randomly generated

Do plan to release an online version of your game? We are sponsoring/buying online games (or better said, the rights for the online version) of the game. Are you interested in further talk?

He’s had pretty solid success on Steam, I dont know why he’d sell the rights to his game. That just sounds like purposely forfeiting a profit.

sell the online rights of the game, for sponsoring the Online version of the game, not the Steam one. That means expanding his audience, not forfeiting his profit… If you don’t why he’d sell the rights to his game, then you can ask him thou…
I’m interested in the online rights of his games :slight_smile:

You received nearly 7x what you were asking for on kickstarter. Local multiplayer should of been considered as a stretch goal.

This isn’t a very good argument not to support controller/game pads - anymore. It has been done many times and there is less legitimate reasons not support controller - than there is to add support for controllers.
If the reason not to support controllers is to meet a set delivery deadline or something - that is a legitimate reason.

Love the aesthetics of the game and the secondary animation in the world really makes it look alive. Some of the player motions look a little floaty though, particularly the weapon swing. Overall nice iteration to your last game with a lot of ‘behind the scenes’ improvements.

Only 11 days left! Here’s some new stuff I’ve been working on :



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