Roll a Ball camera?

So I finished the Roll a Ball tutorial and I wanted to try to expand on it before moving on to the next tutorial. I zoomed the camera closer to the player so it looks more like a typical third person game but now I want to be able to rotate the camera around the player with the mouse but don’t know how… Please help!

Someone was asking a nearly identical problem recently. I’m copying my response from there:

Try a setup like this (assumes you want rotating only around the y-axis):
empty game object
child game object : Camera

Set the camera to the position offset you want (its local position)
Set the empty game object at the same position as the player (in your code)
Only rotate the empty game object.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Thanks this does help but as I’m new to C# as well I don’t know how to set the camera objects rotation to the mouse position… any ideas?

Probably an easy idea to work with is that you can use input from “Mouse X” to add to the rotation of the empty game object described in my previous post. That doesn’t completely answer “point to mouse”, but I think it’s a pretty common way to rotate the camera.

Another idea is that you could continue running through some tutorials step by step, and then with a little more experience, try to dig into adding some new parts to them.

This is great. Cheers!